Wednesday 17 May 2017

Homework Wed. May 19

  • Grade 4's please pay on School Cash Online by Friday for the Science Centre field trip. 
  • Math textbook
  • Research for your Dance Project
  • Read 30 min
  • Social Studies, do only up to what was assigned. 

Monday 6 March 2017

Current Event Links

  • Time for Kids: This fun, interactive news site from TIME magazine categorizes current events articles and activities by grade level and includes games, trivia, and a homework helper.
  • Discovery Kids News: This site asks “What’s New in the World?” every week and has materials and activities for students, parents, teachers, and families.
  • National Geographic Kids News: Kids News highlights news, features, and science articles on subjects of interest to kids. Sites for teachers and parents include lesson plans and teaching materials.
  • KidsPost: A site run by the Washington Post for kids.
  • Student Connections: A site run by the New York Times for kids.
  • Yahooligans News: A site run by Yahoo with top news stories for kids
  • The Toronto Star: A site run by the Toronto Star
  • National Post: A site run by the National Post
  • Teaching Kids News: Readable Teachable News