Friday, 30 September 2016

Grade 4 Math

Please answer: 
Where do you use surveys and how are they valuable to you? Create a rich connection and please support your answer with evidence. 

Grade 5 Math

Please answer: 
Where do you use surveys and how are they valuable to you? Create a rich connection and please support your answer with evidence. 

Homework: Friday September 30

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Welcome to our class website

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to our Grade 4/5 class website! On this page you will find helpful information such as homework, due dates and information on assignments. As well, I will post reminders about upcoming class trips or events happening in the school. As a parent, if you are interested to find out about the curriculum, please click on the link for "Curriculum Documents" .  Every month, I will also update information on specific subject areas to keep you in the loop so you are aware of the knowledge students are gaining at school. Finally, as new website games/activities are found, I will post them here. This will help your child if they are in need of additional school support at home. As always, please feel free to contact me at the school (905) 471-5526 or in your childs agenda.

I look forward to working together this year,
A. Davis