Math Quiz tomorrow:
Grade 4:
Focus on measuring perimeter, unit conversion, measuring in decimetres, measuring in millimetres, measuring linear dimensions. (Chapters 1 - 6)
Grade 5:
Focus on measuring linear dimensions, relating units of measure, non-standard units to estimate lengths, circumference, finding perimeter and area. (Chapters 1-6)
Social Studies Quiz tomorrow:
Grade 4:
Identify and label a map of Canada and the major bodies of water. Students worked on a similar task today and should have brought home their completed example to study. They will need to hand in their map after the quiz to be marked.
Grade 5:
The quiz will be focusing on the 3 levels of government, who is in charge, their role and responsibilities and where they are located. Students worked on a similar task today and should have brought home their completed example to study. They will need to hand in their task after the quiz to be marked.